National Proposal Day!

National Proposal Day!

Below are 10 proposals readers of submitted in celebration of National Proposal Day. Enjoy!!

1. “Once the bill was paid he said he had one more gift for me. He handed me a card that said ‘All you need is love’ and on the inside it said ‘And of course a beautiful dress! Congratulations on getting married!??’(He added the question marks)” — Catherine Rogers

2. “But the only thing present to me in that moment were his green eyes asking me to be his for eternity.” — Caitlin Ashbury

3. “Chris and I were known for our courtship…Chris handed me the card that contained words that would be the start of a new stage in our relationship. Light tears streamed down my face as I read Chris’ letter.” — Bernadette Cornett

4. “I arrived at Gregory’s apartment for a Valentine’s Day dinner to find a trail of Hershey’s kisses from the front door. I was told to put my things down and follow the trail. The trail continued into his bathroom, which was full of candles leading all the way to the shower. From the showerhead, he had hung a dozen roses and a note that said, ‘Sonbol — Now I’ve kissed the ground you walk on and showered you with roses. XOXO Greg.’” — Sonbol S.

5. “LeMar wrote me a letter and placed it in the refrigerator.” — Monique M.

6. “The friend came in and put the suitcase down telling me ‘I have no idea what is in this suit case, but only you can open it.’ I opened the suit case to find 1,000 origami paper cranes inside with a note that said “Clue #1″.” — Nikki Guardiano

(Remember that little Japanese girl who developed leukemia after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and she tried to make 1,000 paper cranes but she died before she could finish and now origami cranes are symbols of world peace? Congrats on your engagement?)

7. “I reached for a blue velvet box. Inside was white satin. Sitting on top of the white satin was a real egg I hollowed-out with a two windows, re-creating Cinderella’s carriage. The egg was adorned with at least 500 Swarovski rhinestones. As you look through the delicate windows, a solitaire ring gleamed against the city lights awaiting these special words: ‘Will you marry me?’” — Xuan C

8. ”I put on something very casual & loose. He looked at me & said, ‘Andrea, I’m wearing a new shirt.’ That was my cue to change. He asked me to wear heels too. I obliged. Before we left the house he asked me if I was going to do my eyebrows. Umm… No. They’re fine.” — Andrea Hernandez

9. “It started with coffee. Starbucks coffee. Then we went to the local little lake where we were planning to walk. It was just a couple days past Valentine’s Day, and it was pretty cold out. So we are just starting to walk and I’m eyeballing the geese and ducks that are still hanging around when he asks me if we could sit on the bench for a minute.” —Candice Jensen

10. “My fiancé, Gabe, is a country boy, and I’m a city girl. He has opened up my eyes to a more relaxed lifestyle, a view of men who know how to work hard and love their families more than anything, and how to enjoy country nights filled with stars.” — Staci G.

courtesy of Colette McIntyre of

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